The Power of Purity – Luxury Culinary Oil

The year leaves with gratitude and more of it!
December 19, 2022
Let’s Football ….Finally!
February 13, 2023

The Power of Purity – Luxury Culinary Oil

In my household we are very particular about the oils we use. My mother in law has been using only pure kacchi ghani mustard oil. Coming from North India she used only good quality mustard oil. Never saw any other oil being used at home and it was a big ‘No’ to refined oils! I adapted easily as even, my mother used more of mustard oil but then she used other non refined oils for certain cooking purposes.

Fast forward to 2022, I learnt about Asian Countries Chamber Of Hospitality Industry (ACOHI) and the work it was doing, felt it matched their vision too. I felt it was exemplary and it addressed the ‘Need’ of the hour. I had the privilege of a conversation with Dr. Sanee Awsarmmel. It was heartening to learn about his work and the future plans he had. Among them one was to provide Luxury Cooking Oils, LCO to the industry. Having a good understanding of the authentic, I immediately connected with the idea. It was under the brand name “OwnFresh’.

I received a hamper of 5 oils for getting the ‘first- hand experience’ upon usage. I couldn’t be more grateful as in my household oils have a very special place. Seeing the oil, my mother in law said it looked and smelled right so no doubt that  it would be good for cooking too. I was delighted to get her seal of approval. I have used the oils and have found them to be of great quality be it mustard oil, groundnut oil, coconut, sunflower or the safflower oil.

Own Fresh oils are extremely pure, without any chemicals, preservatives or additives.  Unrefined and unfiltered and highly rated premium culinary oil slated to change the economics of food business and health of India and Asia, taking charge of hotel industry of India and Asia.

They are obtained from the first pressing of non GMO whole soil nuts and it is of the highest edible grade. It is wood – stone pressed the traditional way, extracted at room temperature by the ancient ‘Kolhu’ method. From beginning of its extraction it slowly settles its way through hundred hours sedimentation that acts as natural purifying process and also imbue it with a natural plant based sterols.

Being a rich source of natural nutrients and vitamins it brims with antioxidants, minerals and are nutrition balanced. It’s distinctive and subtle taste makes it a ‘cooking specialist’ it’s natural, it’s real, it’s pure!

Gradation of raw material

  • Selection of seed quality is emphasised upon, Supply source is authenticated
  • Non-GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) quality of Seeds /Nuts is ensured upon
  • Size of Seeds / Nuts is ensured to desired standards


In the process of seeds / Nuts packaging and Transportation;

  • Use of Hermetic bag by placing this into an outer Jute Bag
  • Seeds / Nuts are filled in this bag and sealed after which the outer Jute Bag is sealed.
  • No hooks allowed to load and unload the bags in transportation, though it’s an added cost


  • Hermetic bag is organic
  • Is an excellent gas barrier
  • Creates modified atmosphere
  • Controls infestation without use of any kind of pesticide or fumigants
  • Extends storage period
  • Preserves aroma and colour of the seeds / nuts
  • Retains original moisture content of seeds / nuts

Manufacturing guidelines

  • Temperature at the time of extraction process necessarily to be below 40 Degree Celsius
  • Extraction Pressing pressures need to be maintained depending on the batch size and the type of seed being processed
  • Moisture of Seeds / Nuts to be maintained for different variety of Seeds / Nuts
  • RPM of the churner to be maintained between 14 and 18
  • Collection of extracted Oil after prescribed churning cycle time of approximately 45 minutes
  • Extracted oil has to be stored in food grade Stainless Steel containers designed for ease of refilling after natural sedimentation of 100 hours

Hygiene standards

  • In a state safe for human consumption
  • The assessment checklist is aligned with the standard benchmarking requirements and regulations and detailed prerequisite programs that include –
  • GMP – Good manufacturing Practice
  • GHP – Good hygiene Practice
  • GLP – Good Laboratory Practice
  • The requirements are related to the quality management systems confirming to the HACCP system (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points)
  • Development of a positive food safety culture is equally necessary.

Certifications of products

  • NABL Laboratory
  • Drinking Water Test Certification
  • Product Chemical Analysis Certification
  • Product Quality Analysis Certification
  • Product Shelf-Life Test Certification
  • Government approvals and licenses

Standard quantity / unit packaging

Adhering to the packaging norms of FSSAI each Oil is packed in various quantities measured in ‘ml’ / ‘ltr’ with an equivalent weight in ‘gm’ / ‘kg’ is displayed on the label.

Product packaging quality is crystal clear, firm structured and see-through that showcases the product transparently.


Parameters relied upon while establishing MRP are primarily the Raw Material Quality, Product Purity, Hygiene Standards, Product Unique Quality, Product Shelf life while the secondary factors are the Manufacturing process, Product Packaging Material and Seals, Product Branding, Laboratory Testing, Statutory compliances, Certifications, Competition, which further includes Trade Margins, Promotional activities, Transportation and certain hidden expenses.

They clearly mention it in their Mission

“If you have a healthy body – you are a Champ”.

Everything we do is about you and your Good Food Language. From Chefs who create flavourful recipes, to crew members who know how exactly you want your food platter, we produce what you need to get you on your way. We strive to keep you at your best, and we remain loyal to you, your tastes and your health.

That’s what the hospitality industry runs on.

This is the first Product of India & Asia which says “Ready for Laboratory Test” with mention of Prestigious Culinary ID on the front side of packing”.

It’s made in India, ACOHI is providing employment to the local community where their mills are set up. As a hospitality professional and someone who is keen on empowering the local community this project has won my appreciation and trust.

To know more about the oils; Check:

PS: Inputs/ anecdotes taken from ACOHI website with due credits

Dr. Laxmi Todiwan
Dr. Laxmi Todiwan
Founder Indian Women in Hospitality. She is a Professor, Corporate Trainer, Author, Keynote Speaker and a Blogger. A multiple award winning hospitality professional with a career spanning over two decades; people engagement, training and development are close to her heart. She writes for hospitality journals, online platforms and columns in the local newspapers. Married to a Master Mariner she loves to write on the maritime industry as well as the lives and relationships of the fraternity. She expresses her thoughts on her blog and website,

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