IWH turns Two!

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February 5, 2020
The Dansuese – Ms. Amita Karve Godbole
February 24, 2020

IWH turns Two!

Indian women in Hospitality (IWH) turns two today; the 7th February 2020. It’d not have been possible to come this far without the kind support and encouragement from a very special person; when I started IWH in 2018. In these two years there has been substantial growth, something I hadn’t imagined. Things fell in place and found its path without any blueprint. On this momentous occassion, I am revisiting the journey so far and I’d fail if I didn’t share my gratitude first to the special person I just mentioned Ms. Paul for giving me a go ahead, Ms. Guin and also to my boss and colleagues. They helped me in creating the fundation of IWH.

In fact when I connected with Ms. Priya Paul, Chairperson of The Apeejay Surrendra Park Hotels Ltd, for doing her story; she sent me a very encouraging note, “Thank you so much Laxmi for creating Indian Women in Hospitality. I think you have created a fantastic platform and we should all talk about how we can help make this stronger in the future.” Her words have been a driving force for me. I am extremely grateful to the management for allowing me to contribute to the fraternity; this has been extremely empowering and motivating.

The ladies from IWH and the Moderators have been more than supportive; they are the strength one needs to lean on time and again. There’s so much energy on the group; exchanging ideas, discussing matters of concern and mentoring each other on a regular basis. I have only received positivity from all alike; be it the stalwarts or the newbies.

I must also thank the fraternity; both men and women who have encouraged us and lauded our efforts. I have to mention Mr. Vijay Dewan, an industry stalwart for asking the achievements of IWH, Chef Satish Arora for his kind words that serve as strong motivators. Prof. Cathy Enz, Ms. Shirin Batliwala and Ms. Avril Sule for their encouraging words. The list is quite long; I must add my professors and colleagues from IHM Mumbai, colleagues at the Taj Group and The Park Hotels, friends in the media and also Women’s Web for acknowledging IWH as a strong platform.

Since it’s the second anniversary it is a given to look back what we have achieved and where are we heading. It has been an encouraging journey of discoveries and possibilities through and through!

  • There are more than 1635 members of IWH – Indian lady hospitality professionals from around the world who are creating benchmarks.
  • IWH is the ecosystem partner for Women in Corporate Awards (WICA) by Women’s Web.
  • IWH founder was invited to deliver keynote address at the Indian Hospitality Conclave at Mumbai in December 2018.
  • IWH has a column called ‘Organic Thoughts’, in the monthly edition of a hospitality magazine; the Hospitality Biz.
  • At least 3 ladies from the fraternity are carrying out their research with reference to IWH.
  • It has become an empowering platform and the testimonials are very encouraging.
  • The content on the website is receiving rave reviews and the reach is very good. Link to the website:  https://www.theiwh.com/
  • We have carried 28 stories, 34 interviews and 38 blogs so far.
  • Hospitality Biz carried out the interview of the Founder and a write up on the Indian Women in Hospitality on it’s anniversary in their February 2019 edition; titled, ‘IWH wishes to see more women leaders and role models in the hospitality sector’.
  • Hospitality Lexis in their anniversary issue, February 2019 hosted a write up on IWH and an interview with the founder titled, ‘Galvanizing the women of Indian hospitality’.
  • HRA Today journal, published an article on the IWH founder titled, ‘Strength thy name is woman’ in their May 2019 issue.

It’s with pure nostalgia that I reminisce upon our quest so far; we have made a good start and we have a long way to go. To mark the occasion; my message as the Founder of IWH to all the members:

“Congratulations to US on Our second anniversary. It has been a wonderful journey together. Let’s continue with our synergy, dedicated efforts to grow stronger ‘together’ defying all odds and becoming the voice for empowerment. Let’s also refocus on our vision, ‘We connect to inspire and empower! A big thank you to each one of you for all your love, encouragement and enormous support! I am in Gratitude!”

IWH Mentorship Program is drafted and we shall reach out to all stakeholders to  implement it. I am really excited about it; stay tuned for the details. We thank all our readers and followers for their kind support and for being an integral part of the mission.

Dr. Laxmi Todiwan
Dr. Laxmi Todiwan
Founder Indian Women in Hospitality. She is a Professor, Corporate Trainer, Author, Keynote Speaker and a Blogger. A multiple award winning hospitality professional with a career spanning over two decades; people engagement, training and development are close to her heart. She writes for hospitality journals, online platforms and columns in the local newspapers. Married to a Master Mariner she loves to write on the maritime industry as well as the lives and relationships of the fraternity. She expresses her thoughts on her blog and website, www.theiwh.com

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