Guest Blog
All things pass and so will COVID19. The focus is now on how do we, collectively and individually get back our lives together – economically and financially. The old ways of business are gone and given how suddenly and how deeply this pause has affected us and will have an impact on the days ahead, as a Communications Expert, I have put together a simple-doable guideline sheet that will help all the small business owners, freelancers connect and communicate more effectively and efficiently!
Remember, keeping the business going and generating cash flow is a necessity now!
- Build positive beliefs about your business & work: COVID19 has halted life and economies in an unprecedented, never-thought-before scenario. Many of us have had their payments and projects halted. For all who are reading this article, I want you to truly believe in your talents, businesses and your professionalism, right now. You are valuable resource and by giving the right product to the right consumer, we can get the economy moving again. Let’s keep the faith as we get set to create a vibrant economy again.
- Keep your communications concise: As you get back to business, pitching for business; keep your communications clear and concise. We are going through a global economic pause collectively and being bombarded by too much jargon isn’t exactly a great feeling. Simple, clear, concise and time relevant communication will ensure better responses.
- Keep negotiations real and honest: The financial and economic repercussions is real and in times, where we need to ensure cash flow is generated and kept moving – keep your negotiations honest and real. No one has the bandwidth emotionally or otherwise today to be endlessly patient when it comes to closing business and getting the work started again. Keeping it real will save you time and energy – which is better used at work today.
- Pass on that lead when you can: We all will be impacted in ways big and small for a few months. We all have to do our economic part to keep things moving. Pass on that business lead to a fellow professional when you can; help out a junior in a project to meet his timelines; keep that business activity moving. We cannot get out of this cycle alone. We are a team, globally here.
- Value charge your work: Deliver more than you are paid for. We all need a dose of extra today. Working for free is not the best option when you are financially struggling. Working better is the wiser idea here. Value charge your work, deliver quality and add in a value note to ensure that your business partner or whosoever is hiring you / paying for your work is genuinely surprised. Say you are hired for writing 10 articles or training 10 modules. Add in a value charge of 2 modules so that your business partner also receives some more than what he/she had expected.
- Value time and timelines: Getting business back on track means we have to respect time, all the more today. It isn’t easy, agreed however it is required. Commit to small deadlines so that you aren’t overwhelmed.
- Simplify your business proposals : In the coming days, we will be drowned in a flood of marketing messages, and given that business revival will be slow and steady; make your business communications simple. Cut the jargon, come straight to the business goal in an honest authentic manner. Stay consistent and gently persistent.
- Do business with heart: I understand that it is contrarian advice for many. However today business calls for being more humane and empathetic. Stay true to yourself and ensure that your business delivery is excellent. Other things, will slowly fall in line.
We can together, overcome this.

About the Guest Author
Matuli Madhusmita Swain is a seasoned marketing and communications expert with over 10 years of experience in hospitality, social development and advertising with brands like The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts, Hyatt, Movenpick Hotels & Resorts, IHG, Grey Group and Dr. Reddy’s Foundation.
A writer, speaker, artist, WICA (Women in Corporate Awards) Nominee 2019 and panel speaker at Women Economic Forum 2020; Matuli loves good content, digital storytelling and champions conversations on marketing, leadership, new age work place practices, economics, entrepreneurship, sustainable travel and tourism.