Teeth Bugs and the Bunny- Rashmi Chand

The Gratitude Post- 2019
December 1, 2019
Food wastage in hotels
December 20, 2019

Teeth Bugs and the Bunny- Rashmi Chand

I have known her for a couple of years now. We met at one of the college events, she came across as a dynamic young lady. We got along well discovering so many ‘commons’ between us. We have been in touch since then. I wanted to feature her on the IWH as I am quite impressed with the work that she has been doing, specially her ascent into the literary space. We somehow couldn’t get down to doing her story but it’s about time we did it!

A Hotel management graduate from IHM Lucknow;  she has also completed her MBA in Marketing and HR. She has worked with hotels and Hotel Management colleges before her son came into her life. A hospitality professional, Ms. Rashmi Chand started blogging to document her motherhood experiences.

Rashmi Chand has written a fun book to get little children interested in brushing their teeth. Getting toddlers to brush is a challenge that most parents face. Synopsis of the book would be quite short and simple and uncomplicated just like the young children.

To the young parents– Trying to get your toddler to brush his teeth? Tired of all the coaxing, running and failing yet again? Try this fun book with equally catchy illustrations for your child. Teeth Bugs are having a party in your mouth, would you let them spoil your beautiful bright teeth? Learn how to make them go away with her book on this interesting and crucial topic.

We spoke to her and she was more than happy to share the insights of this book and all things that keep her engaged apart from the rollicking time she enjoys with her son Avyukt.

IWH: How did you get into writing stories?

Rashmi: Writing and crafting are my favorite things to do. I wrote my first poem when I was 7 years old and by the time I stepped into college I had many diaries, notebooks filled with poems, letters, quotes- those of mine and collected over the years from other places. Then as life happened there was no time to write or even think about writing. I had never imagined about blogging or writing a book, but with motherhood a lot of unexpected yet pleasant things happen.  I love how motherhood gets the best out of us. It brings out so many talents that we never knew existed within us. With the birth of my little one, I have become a clown, a writer, a more innovative cook and a storyteller.

I have suddenly developed this talent of weaving quick yet interesting stories, I love the magic spell they cast on my toddler and how he looks at me with his mouth agape. Teeth bugs and the bunny is one of the stories that was born on a regular night while I was trying to make a story to tell the importance of regularly brushing the teeth to my then 18 months old son. The outcome of my story was that next day he willingly took the brush and wanted to brush his teeth. There has been no forcing since then, he is now close to 4 years.

IWH: Please elaborate on your blogging.

Rashmi: I blog under my pen name notjustmommying. Professionally I am a hotel-management graduate and I have worked with leading hospitality chains and hotel management colleges before I took a plunge into writing.

I have spent most of my life in various small towns (Army cantonments) of India and last 12 years in Delhi and Mumbai. Mumbai became my home after I got married to a sailor; my husband is in the Merchant Navy.

IWH: Tell us something about your book.

Rashmi: Our words, dreams and affirmations have immense power and I say that because my first Children’s book is live!

“I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me

I’ll cross the stream, I have a dream”

This song has been a guiding light throughout my life and couldn’t hold any truer than now.

Yes, a simple story that I weaved for Avyukt when he was just 18 months old; to have him get interested in brushing his teeth is now a Book!!!

Isn’t it cool to have the characters you create in your mind come alive, to have your child see what they have only been hearing about? Well, I can’t tell you all how happy I am to share a sweet little part of our bedtime stories with the world.

Teeth Bugs and the Bunny” is a fun story about a Bunny who loves to eat yummy treats but detests brushing his teeth. See what happens to his beautiful, bright teeth.

Trying to get your toddler to brush his teeth? Tired of all the coaxing, running and failing yet again?

Well, I may not have a magic wand but I do have this little story, now a story book for you all, this gets my little monster to brush his teeth, always. “The Teeth Bugs And The Bunny” is available at the below links:



Sharing with you all a sweet little part of our bedtime story and hoping it makes your brushing routine easier and enjoyable. Try it out; it may work for your little one too.

We wish her success; also hope that the other young mothers make this book a part of their bedtime routines with their little ones.

Dr. Laxmi Todiwan
Dr. Laxmi Todiwan
Founder Indian Women in Hospitality. She is a Professor, Corporate Trainer, Author, Keynote Speaker and a Blogger. A multiple award winning hospitality professional with a career spanning over two decades; people engagement, training and development are close to her heart. She writes for hospitality journals, online platforms and columns in the local newspapers. Married to a Master Mariner she loves to write on the maritime industry as well as the lives and relationships of the fraternity. She expresses her thoughts on her blog and website, www.theiwh.com

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