What will your professional legacy look like?

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What will your professional legacy look like?

We see the world through the filter that we create for ourselves over the years. We are writing our legacy and living it every single day. Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard said, “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. I’ve always believed that the power of a person’s life is the stories they leave behind. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you”.

Legacy is created by the actions we take and thus we contribute to what the future will hold for us as well as for others. These action points are actually values that we pass on to our future generations. We must pause often and ask ourselves whether we creating the right stories that will be passed on to next generation? Do these stories encompass our traditions, rituals or customs? Are these positive and futuristic too or are these taboos that don’t require to be passed on?

We influence people in more ways than we can imagine- by our words, expressions, writings, and by our actions. We have the power to use these for the lasting good of those we get in touch with. They can be our families, professional groups our communities; for that matter even online connections. Somewhere we tend to see the people or relationships though the filters that we create. It’s like the inkblot- how we interpret the meaning comes with our own perceptions and ideas that get stored on our subconscious mind. This also explains why people react to things and situations differently. These events and connections add up to our legacy.

A few things that can help us build a professional legacy that we’d like to pass on to our teams and also help build better teams in the future:

Develop a seed sowing mentality

Professionals connect with people within as well as outside of their organisations regularly. They have the opportunity to add value to their teams and provide mentorship; in case the person is a leader or a manager. Thus developing skill sets in their team members and helping them embark on higher responsibilities or positions. So leaders focus on adding value to team members and deliver impactful results.

Build mental toughness

Mental toughness is a quality that is considered to be the differentiator among the best of the best. Toughness comes with growth mindset that believes in constant improvements. It needs to be harnessed every single day as no one is born with it but it can be developed.

Harness the power of visualization

Visualisation is a very powerful tool that can be used in setting well defined goals. Develop the ability to see results well in advance and work your way through creative imagination. Simply put; make a wish and work towards achieving it!

Know where you stand

It is important to keep a track of your accomplishments and career goals. Be mindful of your achievements as well as setbacks. One must know the ‘misses’ so that they are not repeated and serve as stepping stones. These are the stories that are our constant motivators; build powerful stories.

Develop brilliant habits

Our habits decide how our day shall unfold. Good habits begin with adequate rest, high quality sleep, well balanced diet and exercise. Remaining relaxed and happy; but above all not taking oneself too seriously.

Build undeterred confidence

Confidence holds the key to wellbeing and success; but it shouldn’t be laced with arrogance. One must understand the fine line that separates the two. Believe in what you are doing and if that doesn’t reap the right results; keep changing the processes. Do it till the time you get the desired results and this process will help build undeterred confidence.

Never compete with others

It is said that the competition is always within. Don’t compare yourself with others; this will only create an unhappy situation and unhappy person; that is you! Remain true to yourself, believe that you have the talent and with efforts develop great skill sets. These very skill sets help create your personal as well as professional brand; become a brand to reckon with.

This article first appeared in ET Hospitality World – Top Talk by Laxmi Todiwan

Pictures are taken from google with due credits.

Dr. Laxmi Todiwan
Dr. Laxmi Todiwan
Founder Indian Women in Hospitality. She is a Professor, Corporate Trainer, Author, Keynote Speaker and a Blogger. A multiple award winning hospitality professional with a career spanning over two decades; people engagement, training and development are close to her heart. She writes for hospitality journals, online platforms and columns in the local newspapers. Married to a Master Mariner she loves to write on the maritime industry as well as the lives and relationships of the fraternity. She expresses her thoughts on her blog and website, www.theiwh.com

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